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WAM Updates are short, informal posts that put the spotlight on small, but exciting, Museum-related projects, such as the addition of a new painting or sculpture to a gallery. They also serve as updates on staff, new services or programs, and other WAM news.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Ask a Curator Day!
Have you ever wondered how exhibitions at the Worcester Art Museum are put together?
Are you curious about the day-to-day life of a curator?
Want to know more about an object in WAM’s collection?
Find out directly from WAM curators themselves on Ask a Curator Day! You ask, we answer. To participate, tweet your questions to @WorcesterArt TODAY, September 14, from 11am-4pm EST with the hashtag #AskACurator.
We will be gathering your questions throughout the day and members of the curatorial team will answer during WAM Curator Hour from 4-5pm. Standing by to answer your questions are…
Jon L. Seydl, Director of Curatorial Affairs and Curator of European Art
Tweet sign-off: jls
Expertise: Medieval to 20th century European art; Ancient Greek and Roman art.
Elizabeth Athens, Assistant Curator of American Art
Tweet sign-off: ea
Expertise: 18th- and 19th-century American Art.
Justin M. Brown, Curatorial Assistant in American Art
Tweet sign-off: jmb
Expertise: Pre-20th century American painting; race and American visual culture.
Nancy Burns, Assistant Curator of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs
Tweet sign-off: nkb
Expertise: Prints and drawings after 1850; the history of photography.
Jeffrey Forgeng, Curator of Arms & Armor and Medieval Art
Tweet sign-off: jlf
Expertise: Hand-to-hand esthetics.
Vivian Li, Assistant Curator of Asian Art
Tweet sign-off: vl
Expertise: Ancient to contemporary Asian art.
Karysa K. Norris, Curatorial Assistant
Tweet sign-off: kkn
Expertise: Wrangling curators.
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